From reading my blog last year, which destination do you think I should visit again this year?

Monday, 2 August 2010

Friday 30th July 2010

Today we had to wake up early because we were going on dolphin watching trip Part 3!  We caught the free shuttle bus from the hotel to Hankow Road and then a coach from there to Lantau Island.  From Lantau we boarded a boat that would take us to look for the Chinese White Dolphins (they have pink bellies).

On the boat we met some really nice people - there was quite a mixed crowd of Japanese, Hong Kongers, Americans and Germans.  One of the women we met worked for the SCMP (South China Morning Post) newspaper.  Talking to her was really interesting. 

After about one hour we found some dolphins.  There was a mother and baby pair that were so cute.  We saw lots of them following fishing boats trying to catch some escaping fish.  It was really cool.  (website if you are interested in the Chinese White Dolphins 

In the afternoon we did nothing.  In other words we vegetated by the pool.  The evening was also very relaxing.  Dad cooked whilst I had a shower and mum went to the gym. 

Overall a great day - it wasn't the same without you though Lesley & Ash. 

Speak soon.

Love Meganxxx

1 comment:

  1. just seeing you all on the boat has made me jealous! Sounds like you are having a fab time - I'm enjoying reading your blog xx
