From reading my blog last year, which destination do you think I should visit again this year?

Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Tuesday 25th August

Today's top five is Top Five things about Hong Kong:-

1. City Life - because I have lived in a small village all my life it is a real contrast to be in the middle of a very large, busy city. I have probably seen more people here than in my whole life! I really love it because there is so much to do.

2. Skyline - there are lots of wonderful skyscrapers in Hong Kong. Some times it even hurts your neck to look up at them - they are so large. At night they all light up and it reflects on the water. My favourite building, not being biased or anything, is Bank of China Tower where Dad works. There is a light show at 8.00 pm each night and Bank of China looks the best by far.

3. Star Ferry/Public Transport - the public transport in Hong Kong is amazingly efficient. You can get buses from A to B really easily. There is a thing called an Octopus card which you can use to pay for any public transport. You top it up at certain shops. It makes it so much easier than fiddling about with your change. Star Ferry is my favourite (see picture of me on Star Ferry) because there is always a nice breeze out on the sea and it is nice to be out in the open air. If it wasn't for the efficient public transport we wouldn't have travelled about as much as we have done. It is fantastic and the UK should have something similar to Octopus for the whole country.

4. Weather - it is so much better than the UK weatherwise. When you first arrive it is hard to get used to because it is hot and humid but once you have been here a while it is fine. You do, however, need an umbrella sometimes. One minute it can be sunny and the next you look up and there are black clouds and it is thundering. Don't worry it goes as quickly as it comes and the rain doesn't hang around for days like in the UK!

5. The Cuisine - when Mum and Dad first told me we were going to Hong Kong for six weeks I thought 'I will never be able to eat anything'! But actually you can get anything here - ranging from Indian to Greek, Yorkshire Puddings to MacDonalds. Anything you could possibly imagine. One thing to watch out for is that the Chinese do have a sweet tooth and they sweeten quite a lot of things we don't in the UK. If you buy some juice, for example, it is sometimes very sweet so make sure you get something that says 'no sugar' on. All in all the food here is great!

Speak soon

Lots of love Meganxxx

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